Spanish II 

Señora  Robinson

Room 129                                         Conference Period : 12:51 -1:49 pm


 "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” Frank Smith

Class Overview

Students will develop their ability to understand spoken and written Spanish. Students will communicate using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills on a variety of familiar topics. They will also gain an understanding of different cultures to compare and make connections to their own culture.

My assistant : Doña Chana


 About Me 

¡Hola! yo soy la Señora Robinson, but you can call me Mrs. Robinson. This is my eighteenth year teaching; 4th year with Franklin ISD. I was born and raised in South Texas and lived there most of my life. I graduated with a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Texas Pan American, now known as UTRGV. After college, I taught elementary bilingual education for 6 years with McAllen ISD.  At the age of thirty, I relocated to Bryan ISD where I taught for an additional 8 years in elementary bilingual education. I am so excited to be the Spanish 2 teacher and can't wait to share my heritage and knowledge of Spanish cultures with Franklin High School students. 





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